Thursday, June 11, 2009

Excuse me Im talking to you!

  • Twitter scares me.

  • Facebook is no longer a gated community and I'm thinking about relocating, but to where?

  • I lost my 30 by 30 list. I composed a list of 30 things I wanted to acheive by the time or while I was 30 years old and I can't find it.

  • I should have watched/read, "He's not that into you" when I was 18 @ 27 it was a boring movie.

  • I will be buying the Beyonce DVD.

  • I want my children to spend a year in the Peace Corps before GradSchool.

  • How can I marry my love for travel.scrapbooking. and photography?

  • Looking for a cruise for Christmas this year?

  • I♥ these shoes!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Let the church say Amen!

When it comes to my faith I am really protective. I learned in college that the devil comes in many forms and can/and often does carry a bible ands knows the word very well. Whatever it takes to destroy you, he will do. In college everyone is trying ti "find themselves" and some of the girls with the stronger personality would prey on the more subdued ones twist the word according to them. Lets just say one of my dear friends shaved her damn head!Needless to say, it was at that time I really understood why it was necessary to know and learn the word for myself.

I say all that b/c past Sunday I attended a non-traditional christian church. For the sake of MY blog traditional means[to me] Baptist, Methodist, AME Zion, Cat holistic, Presbyterian, CME.etc]. A church that doesn't follow on of those " traditional" doctrine. In my defence. It was all about how I was raised. I attended a church that had one of those int he title and the one church in town that was non-denominational called Eternal Rock was known for immoral ungodly and down right odd behavior and we did NOT go there! Anyho...

So Sunday I go to a church called New Spring with a friend of mine. She attends on a regular basis, but it was my first time. The first time she mentioned it, I was like cool. I'll go, but prob won't like it b/c it seems too laid back and when you are giving reverence to God there has to be some type of order. Then she mentioned it again, so I was like ok next Sunday I am in town I am going.

When we pulled up in the parking lot there was a sea of white folks in long sleeve shirts and shorts with Sperry's or flip flops, strapless dresses, and halter tops. Faded Jeans and baby tees that read, " These are my church clothes" sipping on designer coffee drinks and I was ok ok I can dig it. Almost everyone I passed said with a warm smile, " Good Morning! How are ya!" It was nice welcoming atmosphere!

So after we meet up with her friend we walk into a dark room, It was huge and dark. Strobe lights flickering and rock music blasting. Once we made it to our seat and I got settled, I said, " Meredith be open to the experience and let the holy spirit take its course." Part 2 are my notes from the sermon!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Living a life of Expectancy[Part 1]

“I's feelin' real down. I's feelin' mighty bad” Sophia, The Color Purple

This sums up how I was feeling Saturday morning, but it was mothers day weekend and It was not all about me. So I threw some things in a bag and took the hour drive to small town USA so see my mother. When I pulled up, she was on the porch with a crazy neighbor, telling the person on the phone, “She just pulled up!” The neighborhood kids were sitting on the curb eating ice cream playing with a turtle they found while fishing. As walked into the house and I kissed my mom, I knew all would be well.

At the beginning of the year, I was on cloud nine. 2008 was behind me and I was feeling good. I was traveling, scraping, up for a promotion just in a really awesome place. Then some negativity seeped in. It was slick. I came on the back of a “friendly gesture” and ‘friendly advice” and within weeks, I was infested. My mind has been racing like a crazy and I’m rethinking my dreams my hopes and my destiny and I don’t like to be questioned. By anyone or anything!

The word "expect" means to look forward to. When a woman is pregnancy it is said she is expecting. Farmers culture a field, place a seed and prepare for harvest. They expect a crop b/c you will reap what you sow .When you place an order, you are expecting it to come.

When I look back on my life, I have expected so much. I expected to get a college education. When I applied for a job, I expected to get it. When I am nice to someone, I expect kindness in return. When Im rude, I expect them to be defendsive. When I was asked a question, I expected him/her to respect my reply. When someone tells me they are going to do something, I expect them or proper notice that they can’t. When I tell a child to stop running/talking, I expect him to. When a guy says, he is interested, I expect him to be a certain way b/c why in the world are you interesting in me and NOT be what I expect you to be[ this is me making fun of me}.
MT2 says, I am super hard on myself and I probably am. Not in that pretentious I want people to look at me kind of way, but more as in I think it is a slap in Gods face when you don’t try to be the best person you can.

But just like when a lady is expecting or a farmer plants his crops, there is a waiting period. When you just have to wait and Be Still. It doesn’t mean I am being lazy, it just means the Martha in me needs to be more like Mary. The bibles says:

10:38 Now as they went on their way, he entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home.

10:39 She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to what he was saying.

10:40 But Martha was distracted by her many tasks; so she came to him
and asked, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her then to help me."

10:41 But the Lord answered her,
"Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things;

10:42 there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her."

To be continued….

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Things I am feeling:
[Author] Emily Giffin
Band Aid Friction Block
Grey Garden[The movie]
Salsa Red Nail Polish
Cute shoes
goals and the discipline to achieve them
Travel Shows

Things I am not feeling:
Bad weaves
Unwanted facial hair
Shopping while fat.
Finding love on reality TV
Gossip Blogs

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Decided to return Max's calls

Its kinda like watching a microwave meal in the oven. You know when it over it will be better, but after you eat you realize it still wasn't that good.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bad Hair Im going home!

Yes I am that dramatic when it comes to my hair. I've been trying to do better at taking care of it. I don't got the hair salon unless its to get a trim or if Im in the mood. I have had a bad experience with weaves and in my line of work braids just maybe seen as unprofessional.....So I got this bright idea to stop applying heat daily and roll my hair at night...BAD IDEA! Over the last few weeks it has caused breakage. Dumb ass here I am at work. Looking a hot mess with these tight ass curls and Im like forget this Im going home. This so confirms that I need to stick to my plan and start my transition this fall, well summer..on my birthday. It has nothing to do with the whole natural fad. craze..Been there done that calling Relaxers Cream Crack. Wearing Tshirts that say Im a twisted SISTA..b/c I'll prb still wear my hair staright, but have the option to twist when I want without the chemicals. I've learned my hair so I know its time to take it back...until then I still have to look like Im going home.{ I have flex time from saturday} to eat a salad, watch In the Heat of the night, walk on the tread mill, lift weights and relax my hair. By 8..I'll be ready to watch Biggest Looser! What a day! Damn I love this dress! Not for a busty sista like me, but its hella cute!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Brand New Fresh out the box!

Brand New( brand new) Fresh out the box....that's the new song by Trey Songz. Nothing special, but I am a fan of his on stage. His interview style is annoying. Most of my fav celebs. suck @ interviews. I think I started being so critical in high school. We had this thing called sports center where every Friday before the game a small TV show would come on of the ball players talking about the upcoming game and I felt like it was created to make them look dumb as hell. I complained and the teacher told me that if it was scripted then it would take away from the fun. Bull shit..all I can remember is my boyfriend at the time up there looking like a fool.

Anyhoo, Im wearing nail polish today! The more and more i look at it, I think boy do I look like a teenibopper! I like bright and bold color, and at 27 I think bright colors are for bathing suits, handbags and alcoholic drinks. All except red. I love red polish. Remember I think Im a pinup girl! I'll prob wear this color all week..just cuz, but after this I need a nice nude color or french manicure. I am looking for the perfect Red to wear to my class reunion this summer. If I had my way, I'd find a version of this jumpsuit J.Hud is wearing. With a nice side Bob and a smoky eye....ok Mt2..lets find a jumpsuit!