When it comes to my faith I am really protective. I learned in college that the devil comes in many forms and can/and often does carry a bible ands knows the word very well. Whatever it takes to destroy you, he will do. In college everyone is trying ti "find themselves" and some of the girls with the stronger personality would prey on the more subdued ones twist the word according to them. Lets just say one of my dear friends shaved her damn head!
Needless to say, it was at that time I really understood why it was necessary to know and learn the word for myself.

I say all that b/c past Sunday I attended a non-traditional christian church. For the sake of MY blog traditional means[to me] Baptist, Methodist, AME Zion, Cat holistic, Presbyterian, CME.etc]. A church that doesn't follow on of those " traditional" doctrine. In my defence. It was all about how I was raised. I attended a church that had one of those int he title and the one church in town that was non-denominational called Eternal Rock was known for immoral ungodly and down right odd behavior and we did NOT go there! Anyho...
So Sunday I go to a church called New Spring with a friend of mine. She attends on a regular basis, but it was my first time. The first time she mentioned it, I was like cool. I'll go, but prob won't like it b/c it seems too laid back and when you are giving reverence to God there has to be some type of order. Then she mentioned it again, so I was like ok next Sunday I am in town I am going.
When we pulled up in the parking lot there was a sea of white folks in long sleeve shirts and shorts with Sperry's or flip flops, strapless dresses, and halter tops. Faded Jeans and baby tees that read, " These are my church clothes" sipping on designer coffee drinks and I was ok ok I can dig it. Almost everyone I passed said with a warm smile, " Good Morning! How are ya!" It was nice welcoming atmosphere!
So after we meet up with her friend we walk into a dark room, It was huge and dark. Strobe lights flickering and rock music blasting. Once we made it to our seat and I got settled, I said, " Meredith be open to the experience and let the holy spirit take its course." Part 2 are my notes from the sermon!

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