Ok its a rainy, gloomy Tuesday afternoon. Well, not all that gloomy b/c I like the rain, thunderstorms wind. I don't know why. I remember as a kid, on the hot summer rainy day my mom would make and my cousins strip down to out panties and a tank top and lay down. We'd lay there and laugh and giggle until the we dozed off. I do my best thinking in the rain. I do my best sleeping in the rain. Rain happens when percipitation makes it to the earths surface ..well crying to me is when an emotion makes it to my surface. I cried this AM. I got up and watched Oprah as I lifted weights. The show was about extraordinary fathers who took that selfish act seriously.

As I look back none of them were worthy of putting a ring on it! Speaking of rings..Micheal Biasden posed a question: Since the country is experiencing an economic hardship, should future brides be accept a CZ over a real diamond? Leave a comment telling me what you think?
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